Premium Epoxy Hardener for flocking applications.
CPR5/CPH5 has been specially designed to be used for a wide range of flocking applications. CPR5/CPH5 bonds well with all substrates; including metals, but is not recommended for use with fabrics due to its rigidity when cured. It is suitable for application by various means (including spray gun) and has a 40 minute open time making it ideally suited for flocking larger areas and projects.
CRP5/CPH5 is heat cured - 3hours at 50°C or 14hours at 20°C, giving a flame resistant and waterproof finish.
CPR5/CPH5 is commonly used for car interiors.
N.B. CPH5 is Hardener only. It has to be mixed with Resin.
There are various ways to apply this adhesive and the following methods can be used adhesive to the surface. Any of the following methods can be used (although some will be more successful after the epoxy has been thinned down):
• Paint Brush
• Paint Roller
• Spray Gun
Adhesive should cover at least 10% of flock fibre length
The adhesive must be viscose enough to support the flock fibres during the cure.