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Superflocker - 175mm Applicator Pot
Superflocker - 175mm Applicator PotItem In Stock! Item Code: XS/FAPPPOT175
( Incl VAT VAT £23.40)
Superflocker - SF/7P - 175mm Applicator Pot

175mm Applicator Pot for use with the 175mm Applicator Assembly in conjunction with the DCA Superflocker.
This applicator pot is a sold as a spare part for the 60/100 and 60/400 flock applicators.

N.B.: This can only be used in conjunction with the 175mm Applicator - either by use of the SF/4 Applicator Assembly Kit, or through individual parts.
Superflocker - SF/7P - 175mm Applicator Pot

175mm Applicator Pot for use with the 175mm Applicator Assembly in conjunction with the DCA Superflocker.
This applicator pot is a sold as a spare part for the 60/100 and 60/400 flock applicators.

N.B.: This can only be used in conjunction with the 175mm Applicator - either by use of the SF/4 Applicator Assembly Kit, or through individual parts.
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