Comparison of Flocking Machines

  Entry Level Medium Level  Professional Industrial Level
  Nanoflocker  Fabricoater Microflocker   Fabricoat Series 60/100 Fabricoat Series 60/400 Fabricoat Series 100/200 Aeroflocker   Turboflocker Superflocker
Price from £245 from £449 from £745 from £1,495 from £1,995 £2,495 £3,450 £5,995 £8,250
Battery operated - - - - - - -
Mains operated
- √ (with an adaptor purchased seperately
Remote Switch Control - -
Blown system
(for flocking into pockets, cavities and internal corners)
- - √ (with an adaptor purchased seperately) √ (with an adaptor purchased seperately) √ (with an adaptor purchased seperately) -
Maximum Flock Length Not
Not Applicable Not
Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 2mm (when using Blown system) 4mm (when using Blown system) 4mm (when using Blown system)
Variable Output Voltage - -
DC Output
9V supply - 20kV negative
12V supply - 28kV negative
35kV negative Adjustable to 45kV negative Maximum 60kV negative Maximum 60kV negative Maximum 100kV negative Maximum 60kV
Maximum 80kV negative Maximum 80kV
Current - 40 microAmps 45 microAmps 100 microAmps 400 microAmps 280 microAmps 350 microAmps 280 microAmps 280 microAmps
Power Supply 9V - to - 12VDC 4.5 to 6 VDC Mains - 115/230 VAC 50-60 Hz

DC - 9 to 12 VDC
Mains UK - 240 VAC 50 Hz

Mains USA - 110 VAC 60 Hz
Mains UK - 240 VAC 50 Hz

Mains USA - 110 VAC 60 Hz
Mains UK - 240 VAC 50 Hz

Mains USA - 110 VAC 60 Hz
Mains UK - 240 VAC 50 Hz

Mains USA - 110 VAC 60 Hz
Mains UK - 220-240 VAC 50 Hz

Mains USA - 110 VAC 60 Hz
Mains UK - 220-240 VAC 50 Hz

Mains USA - 110 VAC 60 Hz
Choice of Applicator Pot 1 3 5 6 6 Hopper & Tray Systems 5 3 3
Weight 630g (with 9V Battery)

680g (with 12V Batteries)
1.3Kg (with Batteries) 2.2Kg

(Generator Weight)

(Cabinet Weight)

(Cabinet Weight)

(Cabinet Weight)

(Cabinet Weight)

(Cabinet Weight)

(Cabinet Weight)
Overall Length/ Generator Dimensions 450mm 450mm 170mm x 60mm x 250mm 210mm x 470mm x 260mm 310mm x 490mm x 260mm 410mm x 560mm x 300mm 410mm x 560mm x 300mm 800mm x 900mm x 600mm 800mm x 1300mm x 600mm
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